

This category contains 203 posts

Article – Perpetrating Jihadist Ideological Narratives (CTTA, vol. 15, no. 1, January 2023)

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Long Article – An Analysis of Bai`ah Al-Mawt (Pledge of Death) in Jihadist Groups’ Practice and Islamic Tradition (CTTA, vol. 14, no. 3, June 2022)

Click here to read or download the article. Synopsis “Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan examines the notion and practice of Bai`ah Al-Mawt (pledge of death) among contemporary jihadist groups through the lens of Islamic Sunni intellectual tradition and security studies. His work has three important implications for the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) initiatives. The author notes that conceptually and … Continue reading

Long Article – The Contextualisation of Islam in a Secular State: A Study of Singapore

This article is co-authored with Asst. Prof. Walid Jumblatt Abdullah and published in Islam and Civilisational Renewal Journal (vol. 12, no. 1, June 2021). Click here to download and access the article. Click here for original source. Abstract Muslim-minority communities throughout the world grapple with the contextualisation of Islam in the modern world. Islamic religious scholars, or the ulama, have to … Continue reading

Long Article – A Wasatiyah Approach to Understanding Theological Absolutism

This article was presented as keynote speech at Ulama Convention III 2021 organised by Pergas and published in Muktamar Ulama 2021 Conference Proceedings. The article seeks to elucidate a wasaṭiyah approach to understanding what constitutes theological absolutism in Islamic theology. It begins with establishing a clear understanding of absolute and subjective truth as a foundation that would differentiate … Continue reading

Book Review – Countering Islamic State Ideology: Voices of Singapore Religious Scholars, by Sheikh Mohamed Farouq, in Wasat, August 2021

Click here to read the review. Click here for more information about the book.

Book Review – Countering Islamic State Ideology: Voices of Singapore Religious Scholars, by Amjad Mohamed Saleem, in Academia Letters, July 2021

Click here to read and download the review. Click here for more information about the book.

Book Review – Countering Islamic State Ideology: Voices of Singapore Scholars, edited by Muhammad Haniff Hassan and Rohan Gunaratna

A book review by Adil Rasheed, a Research Fellow, at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India. Published in Journal of Defence Studies, vol. 15, no. 2, April-June 2021. Click here to read or download the review. Click here for original source. Click here more information about the book.

Long Article – The Contextualisation of Islam in a Secular State: A Study of Singapore

This article is co-authored with Asst. Prof. Walid Jumblatt Abdullah and published in Islam and Civilisational Renewal Journal (vol. 12, no. 1, June 2021). Click here to download and access the article. Click here for original source. Abstract Muslim-minority communities throughout the world grapple with the contextualisation of Islam in the modern world. Islamic religious scholars, or the ulama, … Continue reading

Long Article – The Necessity and Importance of Theological Engagement With Non-Muslims For Singapore Muslim Community

This paper argues the importance and necessity for Singapore Muslims to be actively involved in theological engagement with non-Muslims in the form of dialogue on theological, social and historical grounds. Theologically, the paper argues that Islam not only permits but also encourages Muslims to engage in dialogue with non-Muslims on theological issues. At a societal level, being a Muslim minority in a secular country and multi-cultural society, the preservation and pursuance of their interest would partly rely on how they relate with and how they are perceived by the larger diverse non-Muslim communities. It is in their interest to actively engage and have dialogue with other communities. Historically and more importantly, Muslim involvement in inter-faith dialogue preserves the legacy left behind by Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique who pioneered the inter-faith work in Singapore through the founding of the Singapore Inter-Religious Organisation. The paper also refutes those who oppose inter-faith dialogue theologically and those who discourage Muslim involvement for fear of falling into the government’s political agenda. The primary research methodology employed by the paper is through literature review of primary and secondary materials. It also employs interviews of local activists and professionals in inter-faith work as a secondary methodology. Continue reading

Long Article – Al-Wala’ (Loyalty) to Government in the Context of Muslim Minority in Singapore

This article is published in Muhammad Haniff Hassan, “Al-Wala’ (Loyalty) to Government in the Context of Muslim Minority in Singapore”, Countering Islamic State Ideology: Voices of Singapore Religious Scholars, edited by Muhammad Haniff Hassan and Rohan Gunaratna, Singapore: Pergas, 2021. Abstract Many studies have shown the centrality of the Al-Wala’ Wa Al-Bara’ (WB), a concept which means “Loyalty and … Continue reading


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