
islam related issues

This category contains 105 posts

Long Article – The Model Muslim Minority: Wasatiyah (Justly-Balanced) as a Counter-Ideology Tool in Singapore

In the post 9–11 world, Muslims have had to grapple with various challenges, which often involved justifying their faith to others within secular contexts. The matter is more acute, if not existential, for Muslim minority populations. This paper analyzes attempts by the Singaporean Muslim community to deal with a post 9–11 world, through a development of the concept of wasatiyah (justly balanced). It investigates key initiatives by two important players – the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), and the Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association (Pergas) – that had significant influence in shaping the wasatiyah vision in Singapore. We make two arguments: (1) The wasatiyah discourse represents a longstanding effort by Muslims to contextualize and appropriate traditional Islamic concepts to make them relevant to the contemporary world; and (2) The two approaches adopted by the organizations in question highlight the strengths and weaknesses of initiatives being propagated by state-affiliated and non-state bodies respectively. The study is situated within the literature on religion and politics, counter-ideology and state-Muslim relations. Continue reading

Article – Islam on Identity, Racism and Patriotism

By Muhammad Haniff Hassan This article was published with some editing under the title, “Racism Has No Place in Islam”, in MuslimSG, on 28 July 2021, at here. Recent months have seen several racism related incidents that went viral on social media and received coverage by mainstream media outlets. Incidents such as the video of a woman … Continue reading

Long Article – The Contextualisation of Islam in a Secular State: A Study of Singapore

This article is co-authored with Asst. Prof. Walid Jumblatt Abdullah and published in Islam and Civilisational Renewal Journal (vol. 12, no. 1, June 2021). Click here to download and access the article. Click here for original source. Abstract Muslim-minority communities throughout the world grapple with the contextualisation of Islam in the modern world. Islamic religious scholars, or the ulama, … Continue reading

My book chapter – Reconciling Islam and Pacifism: A Traditionalist Approach

 This book chapter is published in Nassef Manabilang Adiong, Raffaele Mauriello and Deina Abdelkader (eds.) (2018). Islam in International Relations: Politics and Paradigms. New York: Routledge. Click here to access the article. Purchase the book here.

Just sharing – RSIS Commentary – Puritanical Reformists & Liberal Modernists: Two Sides, Same Coin

RSIS Commentary is a platform to provide timely and, where appropriate, policy-relevant commentary and analysis of topical and contemporary issues. The authors’ views are their own and do not represent the official position of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU. These commentaries may be reproduced with prior permission from RSIS and due recognition … Continue reading

My article – Islam’s Moderate (Wasatiyah) Vision and Jihad Through Service to the Environment

(Note: This article was published by Eurasia Review (4 November 2015), click here) By Mustazah Bahari and Muhammad Haniff Hassan In August 2015, Islamic Declaration for Climate Change was pronounced to signify Muslims’ contribution to conservation work and motivate other Muslims to the cause. This declaration, in particular, and environmental conservation work, in general is significant because, a) … Continue reading

Responding to the Abuse of Hijrah Concept for Mobilizing Muslims to Syria and Iraq

Responding to the Abuse of Hijrah Concept for Mobilizing Muslims to Syria and Iraq[1] (Note: This article was published by Eurasia Review, 30 June 2015) Muhammad Haniff Hassan The idea of hijrah or migration has a special place in the history of Muslims. It denotes the flight of Prophet Muhammad and the early Muslims to … Continue reading

Just sharing – The Middle Ground of Islamic Civilisation: The Qur’anic Principle of Wasatiyyah

To access or download, please click here. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, “The Middle Ground of Islamic Civilisation: The Qur’anic Principle of Wasatiyyah”, Journal of Civilisational Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, October, 2008, pp. 7-41. Abstract Is there such a thing as ‘moderate Islam’, and if so, what form does it take? The events of September 11, 2001, and … Continue reading

Just sharing – Islam and Exceptionalism in American Political Discourses

To access or download, please click here Peter Mandaville, “Islam and Exceptionalism in American Political Discourses”, PS: Political Science & Politics (April 2013), 46 (2), pp. 235-239 Abstract The phenomenal success achieved by Islamic political parties in the wake of the Arab uprisings of 2011 is one of the most significant and frequently noted developments to follow … Continue reading

Just sharing – Muslim politics without an “Islamic” state

Ahmed T. Kuru, Brookings Doha Centre, Policy Briefing, February 2013. To access or download, please click here.


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